Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Welcome University at Buffalo

Welcome University at Buffalo

Faculty, Students, Staff

Presentation by Azeez Balogun

Proposal for improving Grounds on School Campus (UB)


       As a student at the University at Buffalo, I believe there are many things that can be brought to the attention of UB, specifically the entrance by Greiner Hall. This can be improved as it is currently hazardous to students, faculty, and visiting family members of those who attend the school.


  • No correlation (togetherness)
  • There are no two buildings that relate to one another. Greiner Hall is one example of this, and can/should be the first change made on campus to address this issue.

     We as a school should bridge that gap as a reminder that all the buildings relate in some way. Bring back the school spirit.

    One space I would like to go into detail with that specifically crosses my mind is the lower area by Greiner Hall’s main entrances. This area is located alongside the narrow sidewalk. Students use this walkway commuting to and from class or going to the Student Union, alumni area, or one of the many libraries on campus. It is hard for this region to go unnoticed.

    There is not much of a hindering to prevent someone from entering the lower area by the sidewalk. It contains sharp rocks which any individual can fall into and harm them.

This space is hazardous to:

  • Students
  • People who are blind
  • Elderly



What we can do is welcome visitors, students, future (prospective students), or families/friends of students to Greiner Hall.

  • Place a small monumental in the given space.

  • Build a small “statue” of William H. Greiner. The building (Greiner Hall) was built after William Greiner, a former president of the University at Buffalo.

 We can also place one of the UB Bulls’ statues seen all across the University (Student Union, Ellicott Food Court, Alumni Arena) in this space by Greiner Hall entrance. This will address the “togetherness” issue and bridge that gap between various buildings.

By taking action we will send the message that we are many buildings but still one university.

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